Past Club Meets
coming events can be found on the Events page.
Club meets
October 24, Winchester
Mystery House.
While we didn't
get the turnout that was hoped for, everyone who was able to attend
the gathering said that they had a great time and they were amazed
by Winchester House. Our cars were placed in a blocked off section
of the lot right outside of the entrance. We had a catered lunch inside
the Winchester House after the tour. |

September 12,
Blackhawk Auto Museum.
For breakfast, we
met at 'Katy's Korner', (2550 San Ramon Blvd). By the
time most everyone got there the late breakfast had turned into an early
We only had a total
of 6 cars today but several other owners sans cars were able to attend/find
the gathering.
Hank and Mimi Breer
from Southern California (and board members of the DOA) were able to attend
the gathering, just as they did last year when we went to the Blackhawk.
When they pulled in to the restaurant they were in a bit of a fix.
Their trunk latch
had broken. And since their hood does not have the gas flap, it was
going to make it a little difficult to get all the way home to So.
Cal. on a nearly empty tank of gas. I borrowed some tools from Rex
Little and set about fishing out enough of the broken cable to pull
while Hank pressed down on the hood to take some of the tension off
the latch. That worked and we were were able to open the hood. Here
you can see the cable has been temporarily routed near the gas filler. |
From the restaurant
we caravaned (or at least tried to with all the stop lights) to the Blackhawk
Auto Museum. We weren't be able to get our cars in the big circle in front
of the museum right when we got there because we were beat out by, of
all things, a GTO club; however, they left early enough for 4 of us to
put our cars up in the circle.
This is the lower
lot, with the Blackhawk visible in the background. |
Now here's an
amazing site. DJ LaForge's car had until recently been painted black.
He decided to try something different and painted it silver. It actually
looks very good up close. |
When we got to
the museum, Mr. D's 'other' cars were already up in the circle. |
>Views from the
roof of the Blackhawk. Perhaps next time we'll be able to fill the
circle! |

August 15th at
the U.S.S. Hornet in Alameda.
Because of the short notice, only
6 cars and 7 owners were able to make the gathering to the U.S.S. Hornet
in Alameda. However, many of these were new 'members' to our club. After
a good breakfast at the Velvet Grill, we caravaned to the shipyards and
parked our cars below the massive flight deck of the U.S.S. Hornet. We
also sat down and worked out the dates and tentative locations of the
next 2 meetings for this year. The Hornet was an awesome sight and when
they open more of the ship for display I expect we'll make our way there
again. If you're ever in the San Francisco Bay Area, make sure to get
in a tour of the Hornet!

June 13th in Concord
at the El Torito restaurant.
7 cars plus two more owners and
friends gathered at the El Torito for brunch and to swap stories. The
El Torito was ready for us and many of the restaurant workers came out
to look at our cars. They threw quite a brunch and nobody went away hungry.
Along with discussing activities for the club, the big subject is where
to get the cars serviced. The closest 'D' shop is DeLorean One in S. Cal.,
over 400 miles away. There are a few local shops that people have had
good luck with when it come to engine work, but for DeLorean specific
repairs, we've been on our own or we've sent our cars south for repairs.
Here's Sandy
Bigman with Don Gowler, President of DeLorean Midwest Connection.
Don was out here on business and was able to attend our gathering. |
Lively conversations
taking place over brunch. |
Sandy is showing
James and Konstantin how DeLorean One installed shields on some of
the cooling hoses. |
Here's a couple
of great shots looking through 6 of the cars. |
Please excuse
my seat cover. |
The bright sun
was at a perfect angle to really show off the stainless! |
Here's 6 of the
owners with their cars: Rex Little, James Cooper, Sandy Bigman, Konstantin
Kraz, Ed Reed and Ken Montgomery. Lee Seiler had to leave before most
of these photos was taken. |
We also picked up a new member
Gary Valenziano. He just bought his car and it was being serviced at DeLorean
One. He has his car back now and is looking forward to more club gatherings.

The 1999
Annual All British Motorcar
Show & Swap Meet - May 16, 1999
Presented by The United British Sports Car Club, Sacramento
Dixon Fairgrounds - Dixon, CA

by Dave
Ken Montgomery, Lee Seiler and
I had the three D's at the show. It was loads of fun to shoot the breeze
with Ken, Lee and their wives.. I managed to take my D from Eugene, OR
all the way to Dixon, CA (about 1100 miles round trip) without any problems...
Not only was it the first show I have taken my D to, but it was the farthest
I've taken it out of town! Very scary at first, but it ran like a champ...
And when I got home after driving all day there was no signs of cramping
or fatigue normally associated with long drives in "modern"
cars.. Anyhoo, Ken's car has to be the best looking D I've seen in person
and Lee's car had some great add-ons (hand-tailored dash cover, 5-point
seatbelt on the driver's side and a really cool preheater hose sleeve!).
It was a blast! I can't wait to get together with some owners from this
area at some shows this summer (hint hint Oregon owners!!!). Ken, of course,
got 1st in class and I edged out Lee for 2nd (most likely because Lee
was sitting in the shade while I was running around telling people to
vote for me!! 8^) But I have a full-body sunburn and Lee's probably sitting
at home quite comfortably not covered in aloe!!)

By Ken
Being close to half
way between Sacramento and the bay areas, the fairgrounds in Dixon make
an excellent location to hold a car show. The United British Sports Car
Club was kind enough to allow us to attend their event and even gave us
our own 'class' for the People's Choice awards. Over 200 cars were on
display and the crowds were large. We got our share of people asking the
usual questions; "Doesn't that thing have a Ford/Chevy engine in
it?". "Isn't he still in jail?". "Do ya clean it with
a steel wool pad?" I won't go on. You've heard them all before..
That's my car
in the foreground. Next to it is Dave's, and then Lee's. |
This is Lee's
car. |
Dave had so much
trouble with his tail lights, he decided to make his own. |
This shot shows
Lee's '5-point harness' seat belt system. |
As the sun got
higher in the sky, we retreated back into the shade. |
This is Lee receiving
his 3rd place prize. |
Dave took home
2nd. I think he edged out Lee because Dave had a 'flux-capacitor'
blinking between the seats. I got first. That may have been due to
my 'OUTTIME' license plates. After all, this was just a 'People's
Choice' award. |
Lee: Third huh!
I'm outta here! |